Achievement and SIP

Achievement and School Learning Planning

How Do We Measure Success?

Our school follows the guidelines set out by the OCDSB Policy and Procedures for Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting. Student achievement is measured in many ways at Terry Fox. The assessment and evaluation process is ongoing, varied and provides students with descriptive feedback and next steps for their learning. Student work is assessed, using a variety of methods, based on success criteria which can often be co-created with students, and aligns with both Growing Success and the Ontario Ministry of Education curriculum documents. In general terms, students are evaluated by how well they achieve set provincial expectations on a four level standard with level one being “well below the standard,” level two “approaching the standard,” level three “meeting the standard,” and level four “beyond the standard.” Assessment and evaluation is ongoing throughout the year and informs the instructional next steps for teachers. Providing students to solve problems, explain their thinking and understanding, and apply concepts learned are critical skills in academic and learning success.

Classroom teachers use a variety of assessment methods to measure student achievement, including daily observation, pencil/paper tasks, projects, presentations, response journals, learning logs, quizzes and end of unit tests. Teachers also moderate student work at monthly staff and team meetings and discuss student strengths and next steps. Grade 6 students participate in province-wide Ministry EQAO testing. As professional learning teams, teachers analyze EQAO results in addition to school-based data, to determine areas of instructional focus for Mathematics and Language for the following year. This in-depth analysis drives our school learning planning and allows staff to set new learning goals in terms of student achievement. PM Benchmarks, GB+, DRA's, (Diagnostic Reading Assessments), CASI (Comprehension/Attitudes/Strategies/Interest) assessment, and OSR data are used to further develop meaningful learning profiles for our students. 

School Learning Plans and Initiatives

All staff are participants in developing our School Learning Plan considering data extracted from Our School Survey, EQAO and the identified needs of our unique and diverse classrooms.  As the Renewed Math Strategy is a provincial and district focus, we continue to look at how students use descriptive feedback to inform their learning.  For 2017-2018, we've identified a focus on strengthening numeracy skills through teaching and providing students with manipulatives as visual tools to deepen their understanding, improve their confidence in problem solving more effectively, and to communicate their understanding clearly. 

Other Initiatives:

· Arts and cultural events performed on site featuring students, i.e., Show Stoppers, musical performances, and  assemblies highlighting our student

· Community link with local OCDSB elementary and high schools to promote community safety and increase positive communication

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