School Updates
January 20th- Blue Monday
Monday, January 20th is known as Blue Monday. Statistically this is a time of year where many feel extra stress and anxiety. If you or someone you know is going through a challenging time, these resources can be a good starting point. You may also reach out to [email protected]
Youth Services Bureau Crisis Line (available 24/7) 613-260-2360 or to chat online
Kids Help Phone (available 24/7) 1-800-668-6868 or text CONNECT to 686868
Ottawa Distress Centre (available 24/7) 613-238-3311
Ottawa Crisis Line: 613-722-6914
Crisis line for 2SLBGTQ+ youth:
Free online mental health counselling - 1 Call-1 Click
Safe and Accepting School Committee Meeting- January 21 3:35-4:45
As part of the bullying prevention and intervention plan as outlined by the Ministry of Education, each school must have a safe and accepting school team. The purpose of the team is to discuss how the school is meeting the needs of all stakeholders to ensure a culture of anti racist, anti oppression, anti colonial, safe and inclusive for all, environment.
In addition to school staff and students, we are looking for more parents/caregivers who are interested in being involved (Thank you to those who have confirmed their attendance already). Please reach out to [email protected].
Winter Activity Day/Ski Day- February 7, 2025
School CashOnline is now closed, we are unable to process late payments for the ski trip.
Please ensure that the following documents are completed:
Complete Permission Form (and upload BLANK waiver to the form)
Complete waiver on the Pakenham website (DEADLINE JANUARY 22)
Complete the parent and student concussion form
If you would like to be a volunteer, please fill in the online volunteer form
Please reach out to your child’s homeroom teacher if you have any questions.
Intermediate Baking Club
Article by: Mia, Sadie and Page
We were part of the first baking club with Ms. Gottfried. We made double fudge brownies. While we were baking, we learned how to measure out sugar and flour, and how to follow instructions. We had a few people in our group who had never baked before, and this experience really helped them. Looking back on it, I really enjoyed the experience and I’m really excited for the other grade 7’s and 8’s who will get to have the wonderful experience that I did.
Mrs. Gottfried has been looking over the upcoming recipes that students have sent her for their group baking day and is in need of a few of the ingredients. Items such as white sugar, brown sugar and chocolate chips seem to be common to many of the recipes, so if you happen to have a cup to spare, she would appreciate donations of these items. Thanks so much!
Elementary Program Review
For up to date information families and caregivers are encouraged to visit
Free Tutoring for Students in Grades 7,8
Permission forms will be sent home in the coming days for students in grades 7 and 8. Tutoring will begin on Tuesday, January 28th from 3:30-5:00pm in the library.
Athletic Update
Junior and Intermediate Basketball
The coaches have been busy getting permission forms ready for the upcoming basketball season. Sort outs will be starting next week and tournaments will be end of February/early March.
School Council Updates
Movie Night, January 31 2025- SOLD OUT
On behalf of the School Council we would like to thank our families for their interest in the upcoming movie night. This event is now SOLD OUT.
Next School Council Meeting is Tuesday February 11th at 6:45pm in the library. All are welcome!
School Cash Online ( Please email [email protected] if you would like financial assistance for any of these items)
Now Available on School Cash Online
Save the Date:
Please subscribe to our calendar or check the website frequently for the most up to date information about upcoming activities :
Jan 21- Safe and Accepting School Committee (All are welcome 3:30-4:45)
Jan 23- Junkyard Symphony (Whole School)
Jan 24 - PA Day (No school for students)
Don't forget to keep an eye on the calendar on our website for up to date information about upcoming events, assemblies and school cash deadlines.