Guide for students and Famlies

Guide for Students, Families and Caregivers 2023-2024

Terry Fox Elementary School

At Terry Fox we recognize and celebrate each individual within our community and we value all lived experiences, skills, talents, interests, cultural backgrounds, aspirations and special needs. We strive to instill in our students the skills, attitudes and knowledge required to become self-directed and self-motivated problem solvers, with a life-long love of learning and caring for selves and others. We support high curriculum expectations in a positive and supportive learning environment, maintaining strong bonds between home and community.


Principal: Stacey Grenier


Office Administrator: Linda Mckinnon

Office Assistant: Krista Cooper

Chief Custodian: Peter Dickson


8:00 am School office opens

8:40 am Supervision begins

8:55am -10:55am Instructional block #1

10:55 am -11:40am Nutrition break (recess / snack)

11:40 am -1:40pm Instructional block #2

1:40 pm -2:25 pm Nutrition break (recess / lunch)

2:25 pm -3:25 pm Instructional block #3

3:25pm Dismissal

4:00 pm Office closes 


Terry Fox Elementary School
6400 Jeanne D'Arc Blvd N
Gloucester, ON K1C 2S7
Phone: (613) 837-3251
Fax: (613) 837-7628

Absence Reporting Form: Absence Reporting  


The Terry Fox Elementary School

Guide for students and Families is designed to help you become a better learner. 

School Year Calendar 2023-2024

First day of school for staff September 1, 2023
First day of 1st term September 5, 2023
PA Day October 6, 2023
Thanksgiving Holiday October 9, 2023
PA Day November 3, 2023
PA Day (Interviews) November 24, 2023
Winter Break December 25 2023 - January 5, 2024
PA Day January 26, 2024
PA Day February 16, 2024
Family Day February 19, 2024
March Break March 11 - March 15 2024
Good Friday March 29, 2024
Easter Monday April 1, 2024
Victoria Day May 20, 2024
PA Day June 7, 2024
Last day of school June 27, 2024


Bill 198 (Student Absenteeism and Protection Act, 2018) amended the Education Act by imposing a duty to report lateness and absenteeism, as a means of increasing the likelihood of better outcomes for children and their families. 

Web attendance is taken at 9:00am.  Families are asked to phone our 24-hour attendance line (613-837-3251, press 1) to report an absence or late arrival. Families may also use the Online Reporting Form

All students who arrive late to school must sign in at the main office. Parental permission is required for a student to leave the school during the school day. If the child is being picked up, it is necessary to identify who will be picking them up. The office will not release a child to an unidentified person without a written note. The adult must sign out the student at the office. 


Supervision on our school yard begins at 8:40 am. Students should arrive after this time to ensure their safety. They should be picked up at 3:25 when school ends. There is no supervision on the yard before 8:40am and after 3:25pm.


We welcome visitors such as parents, guardians, grandparents, volunteers and other helpers. For security purposes, all visitors must report to the main office to sign in and obtain an identification badge, which is to be worn at all times while on school property. 


Active Transportation (Walking, biking, etc):

Our school  community has plenty of sidewalks, multi-use paths and crossing  guards. Students are encouraged to use active transportation to get to school if they are able. 

Bicycles, Skateboards, scooters and rollerblades are not to be ridden on school premises by students or the public at large during school hours. Students are to walk their bikes to the racks provided. All bicycles should be locked while not in use. Terry Fox ES cannot be responsible for the security of bicycles left at school. Bicycle helmets must be worn by all cyclists under the age of 18 years old. 

School Bus:

Students who live further from school may be eligible for yellow school bus transportation. Check the Ottawa Student Transportation Authority (OSTA) website to see if your child(Ren) qualifies for school bus transportation based on their address. 

Kiss and Ride: 

For students being dropped off in the morning we have a laneway in the parking lot designated for drop off. Please ensure that you are pulling all the way up before having your child exit the vehicle. Students should only exit on the right hand side of the vehicle. 

Nutrition Break:

All students are expected to stay on school property for nutrition breaks.  


Families and schools are partners in preparing our young people for a fulfilling, responsible, adult life in our society. In order to develop and mature into productive citizens, students require: access to education; opportunities to develop a strong sense of self-worth; self-discipline; respect for themselves, others and property; assumption of responsibility for their own learning and behavior. Our Code of Conduct is founded on respect for self, others and property. (OCDSB policy P.125.SCOCode Of Conduct.

At Terry Fox Elementary School, staff, students and families are expected to:

  • Be respectful of themselves and others, and our learning space;
  • Be considerate, punctual, and ready for learning;
  • Attend to and complete learning to the best of our ability;
  • Engage in expected behaviors that promote the health, safety, and wellbeing of others; take responsibility for unexpected choices to promote empathy and restorative practices to promote positive relationships in our learning environment. 

Bullying is a repetitive act, by one or more students, which causes undue stress. It may be: physical, verbal, relational, reactive or cyber-based. It is always:

  • One sided or imbalance of power (ie. physical, verbal, social)
  • Intended to harm
  • Repetitive regardless of objections

OCDSB follows a progressive discipline model. Progressive discipline is a whole-school approach that utilizes a continuum of prevention and intervention strategies, supports and consequences to address inappropriate behavior, and to build upon and promote positive behaviors. When expected behavior does not meet the standards, appropriate action will be taken. Strategies may include some or all of the following:

  • Verbal cue, interview, discussion with staff, restorative conversation
  • Removal of school privilege(s)
  • Restorative meditation
  • Parent involvement
  • Office referrals
  • Individual student-teacher-parent/guardian contract
  • Classroom, office learning opportunity
  • Daily tracking
  • In-school sanction
  • Pause for safety
  • Suspension

Collaborative communication is essential to the development and sustainability of a positive school-wide climate. Communication with parents/guardians regarding office referrals, or other consequences will be timely and done by the school’s administration (or designate).

Learn more about Inclusive, Safe and Caring Schools at the OCDSB. 


At Terry Fox ES we consider school to be a place of business where the business is learning. Everyone is expected to dress accordingly. Clothing that is deemed inappropriate for the learning environment or does not respect the rights of others to be comfortable in the school setting, will not be permitted. Some guidelines for appropriate dress include:

  • Respect for learning
  • Respect for the rights, dignity and identity of others
  • Safety of persons and property;and,
  • Promotion of a drug and alcohol free  environment

Please refer to Procedure 628.SCO for further information. 


Terry Fox Elementary School and the OCDSB recognize the benefits that technology can bring to support student learning. Our policy (P.100.IT) sets the expectation that technology at school is used for educational purposes only. Students are provided the link to the Appropriate Use of Technology Agreement at the beginning of the year to review with families, sign, and return to the school. These agreements support students in becoming positive digital citizens, and understanding the etiquette of responsible use, which supports the learning environment. Any unacceptable use of technology at school may result in the removal of this privilege. Students are expected to use school technology with the supervision of staff.


The use of personal devices by students during instructional time will be permitted only under the following circumstances:

  • For educational purposes, as directed by the educator;
  • For health and medical purposes, as directed by a physician;
  • To support special education needs as identified through an Individual Education Plan.

Students should not be texting or calling  family members from their personal device between 8:40 and 3:25. A phone is available for use in the main office (613) 837-3251. If you have a message for your child please call the main office and the message will be relayed. 

To avoid confusion, homerooms will be provided with a copy of the expectations to be hung in their classrooms. A digital copy will be provided to families. 2023-2024 Technology Expectations


  • Chromebooks, Textbooks and library books are the property of the school; students will be responsible for the condition of these items and replace any lost or damaged items at full value. 


In the interest of safety and for everyone’s protection students must observe safe rules of conduct on the school bus/vans. Musical instruments may be transported in cases only, and should be kept on the student’s lap whenever possible. Skates should have the blades covered or be carried in a sports bag. In the case of dispute the final decision will be made by the driver. 

Very strict guidelines are in place to ensure safety of all on board. Students are expected to follow the procedures closely and inappropriate behavior will be reported to the office. 

First report: warning to the student

Second report: written warning to the parent/guardian

Third Report: bus privileges may be removed

Bus/Van Cancellations

Occasionally, due to inclement weather or driver shortage, the buses/vans  may be canceled. Sign up for notifications through  for up to date information.


Media Permission Form: 

Please review the following online Form to verify the use of information that may identify your child(ren) through media/website platforms (Photos, work, videos, etc)

Emergency Dismissal: 

For safety, please ensure that alternate arrangements are made and rehearsed in the unlikely event of a need for early dismissal. Severe weather is most common in school closures and will be announced on our district’s website and all local radio stations. 


There are many opportunities to use the library. When borrowing from the library students are responsible for returning, in good condition, any books they have signed out. Borrowing privileges may be suspended until overdue books are returned. To reduce book loss, the Board and the school request «cost recovery» payment for lost books. 

Terry Fox Elementary School School Council:

We are fortunate to have a wonderful group of parents/guardians, who are committed to making sure that our children have the best experience possible attending our school. School council is open to all parents/guardians attending Terry Fox ES and we encourage everyone to get involved. School Council is your opportunity to shape your child’s education, and participate in the many events we organize. Council meets the first Tuesday of each month at 6:45pm in the library. Please feel free to join us and get involved! 

Lost and Found:

Students and parents/guardians are asked to check the box for lost items. Unclaimed items are donated to a local charity.

Illness or Accident:

 If your child is sick before coming to school. Please keep your child home for the day. We do not have the facilities to attend to a sick child. If a child becomes ill or is injured while at school we will call their family or designated person immediately. If we cannot contact a parent and the injury or illness is considered serious we will arrange to transport the child to the hospital by ambulance. The cost of the ambulance will be charged to the parents/guardian.  

Medication at School: 

Students requiring prescription or over the counter medication at school on a regular basis must inform the office and complete a variety of forms to ensure the proper care plan is followed. These forms will be sent home by the homeroom teachers later this week.  

Healthy Eating/Nut-Free School:

Parents/guardians and students are responsible for packing a healthy lunch which will provide students with enough energy to make it through the school day. Due to some of the nut allergies in our school community, we request that you refrain from sending students with nut products in their lunches. We also encourage waste-free lunches. Please use reusable containers and water bottles. 

Snack Program:

All students are encouraged to bring snacks to school, however we recognize that there may be circumstances that make this difficult. Our Healthy Snack Club is available daily. We serve a variety of healthy foods that meet the Ontario Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS) Student Nutrition Guidelines. Typical items include a variety of fresh fruit/vegetables with whole-grain or protein foods. Our school’s snack program is delivered in partnership with and funded by the Ottawa Network for Education (ONFE) School Breakfast Program with support from the Ontario Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS) and from community partners, City of Ottawa, various community-based fundraising initiatives, and private donations. 

This is a guideline of expectations and routines and changes may occur as the year progresses. If you have questions, please communicate with the school directly.  (613) 837-3251